what is isom?

Welcome to the Indiana School of Ministry (ISOM).  ISOM is a district-sponsored and district-operated program that enables individual to complete the educational requirements of the fellowship for credentialing and for those who just want to grow in their knowledge of the Word and in training and practical ministries.

  • ISOM uniquely combines home study, classroom instruction, the student's relationship with faculty and peers, and active involvement in ministry to align with his/her ministerial formation.
  • ISOM seeks to provide the student with the highest quality of instruction and resources possible in a practical and affordable environment.
  • ISOM gives educational direction, provides and atmosphere for the impartation of Spirit, and guides the student's spiritual development to equip him/her for effective, full-time ministry.


The Indiana School of Ministry was birthed to address the core values of the Indiana District and to add further depth and dimension to the four strategies of the Ministry Development model.


The Indiana School of Ministry has been recognized and endorsed by the Executive Presbytery Board of the General Council of the Assemblies of God as a member of the Association of Assemblies of God District Schools of Ministry.

The school has also been endorsed by the Executive Presbytery of the Indiana District Council of the Assemblies of God as the official ministerial training program for those seeking credentials through the Indiana District Council of the Assemblies of God.


The Indiana School of Ministry values the presence of God, relational interaction, character building, practical ministerial training, and biblical knowledge.


  • builds a strong, biblical foundation
  • establishes spiritual formation
  • builds lasting relationships
  • develops ministerial character, ethics, and integrity
  • offers a flexible and expandable structure
  • instills discipline of study, time management, and lifestyle
  • provides direct, hands-on involvement in ministerial training

  • course catalog

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  • course schedule

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  • Staff and faculty

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  • textbooks

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  • accommodations

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  • student handbook

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  • class location

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  • internship

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  • student services

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