Indiana District Minister's Retirement Initiative

A Ministry of the Minister's Wellness Fund

The Indiana District Assemblies of God partners with our ministers to prepare for retirement and to position our churches for healthy transition when that time arrives.  We  assist our ministers and churches in retirement planning primarily in two ways: 

  1. Provide awareness and resourcing opportunities for church boards and ministers.
  2. Make regular retirement contributions from the Minister's Wellness Fund on behalf of qualifying ministers. 

To participate in the program, please complete the steps below.


Apply To Participate  in the Retirement Initiative

Let us know that you want to participate in the program!

Please complete the form below to begin the process of opting into the Indiana District Assemblies of God Minister's Retirement Initiative.  Someone at IDAG will review your application for eligibility and notify you when you have been approved for participation in the program.



Establish a 403(b) account

If you have an existing CEP or AG Financial 403(b), 

you do not need to open a new account to participate in the program.

However, if you do not have an existing 403(b) with one of these institutions

please select an institution and begin the process of setting up a 403(b).

Once completed, someone from the institution selected will contact you

with additional information and steps to open your account.


    Enter your information in the form and Church Extension Plan will begin the process of setting up your 403(b) account.  The first 100 ministers who open an account with CEP will receive an additional, one-time contribution of $100 in their 403(b) account!  This is made possible through an incentive grant.

  • Enroll with AG Financial

    Enter your information to contact the Indiana consultant, Chris Teague, CFP.  This will begin the process of setting up your 403(b) account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will the retirement initiative take effect?

A: The program will begin January 1, 2025.  Minister's who have enrolled by December 15, 2024 will receive their first monthly 403(b) contribution around February 2025.  

Q: How does the program work?

A: Once a minister has opened an account and enrolled in the program, the Indiana District Assemblies of God will make a contribution on behalf of the minister to his or her qualifying 403(b) account. Contributions are an amount equivalent to 20% of the minister's tithe in the prior month.  Please allow up to two months to see the contribution reflected on your statement.

Q: How can I enroll in the program?

A: Complete the enrollment form above in Step 1.  Open a qualifying 403(b) account in Step 2 above at either Church Extension Plan (CEP) or AG Financial, if you don't have one already.

Q: If I already have a 403(b), may I use it?

A: If you have an existing account with one of the two authorized institutions (CEP or AG Financial), then you do not need to do step 2 above.  If you have a 403(b) with another institution, you will need to open an additional one with either CEP or AG Financial in Step 2 above to qualify for the program.

Q: How do I know whether I qualify?

A:  Ministers who qualify for the program must meet the following requirements: (1) Must be a Licensed or Ordained AG minister in good standing in the Indiana District; (2) Must have an account at either CEP or AG Financial; (3) Must enroll in the program by completing the online or paper form.

Q: Does this program apply to AG World Missionaries, AG US Missionaries, Certified Ministers, Chaplains, or Senior Retired Ministers?

A: Ministers in these categories may not qualify for the program.  Please contact the Executive Secretary's office with questions regarding eligibility for the program.

Q: Can I choose the funds within my 403(b)?

A: Yes. CEP and AG Financial have many investment options available for you to choose from. The Indiana District does not provide financial advice or advisors.  However, CEP and AG Financial can help guide you on fund selection.

Q: What if I am already maxing out my retirement contributions?

A: Ministers in the program agree to monitor their own contribution limits and work with their church boards to determine the best course of action in order to meet IRS requirements. 

Q: Since the Indiana District is not my employer, how can they make contributions on my behalf?

A: The IRS Code 403(b)9 allows denominations, conventions and church associations to make contributions on behalf of their members. Both CEP and AG Financial have created programs for AG districts that have been developed by their attorneys. 

Q: If I transfer out of the Indiana District, what happens to my account?

A: A 403(b) account is your account. While you would no longer qualify for participation in the Indiana District program and receive contributions on your behalf, your 403(b) is still your account. You can contact your new district or network for information about what program they may offer. 

Q: I am over 70 years old.  Does this program apply to me?  

A: If you meet the requirements for the program and are in active ministry, you may enroll.  If you have an existing 403(b) account with either CEP or AG Financial, you may use this account for the program. However, if you do not have an existing account, you may open one with only CEP.  AG Financial does not permit ministers to open a new 403(b) account after they turn 70 years of age.

Q: Our church board would like more help in structuring our pastor's pay and benefits.  Does the Indiana District provide assistance or training for church boards?

A: Absolutely, yes!  We are thankful for the opportunity to meet with your leadership, either in person or by a virtual meeting to help them work through the process of designing their compensation and benefits.  We also provide broader training resources for ministers and church boards regarding church governance and administration, legal and financial matters, policies, and risk management.  Please contact our office for more information.

Q: Am I allowed to switch between the two endorsed providers or do rollovers?

A: This is allowed only one time per calendar year according to the retirement initiative adopted by the Indiana District Executive Presbytery.