May 18-20, 2025
District Council 2025
District Council 2025
May 18-20, 2025
thank you to our district council sponsors
World Missions Service | Sunday, May 18, 2025 | 6:30 PM
Jeff Hartensveld is the AGWM regional director for Asia Pacific. Jeff Hartensveld gives direction and oversight to more than 500 missionaries and missionary associates serving in 41 countries and territories across Asia and the Pacific Islands. Jeff has been married to his wife Liz for 37 years and they have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren.
The Hartensvelds served in Indonesia for 23 years, and pioneered and pastored several churches including International Christian Assembly in Surabaya, Indonesia where that church grew to over 1,200 in attendance. Jeff and Liz believe in the local church and its impact on local communities as well as the local churches’ role in the Great Commission. The Hartensvelds believe that ministry that flows out of the local church is sustainable and contextual.
Jeff has a Bachelors degree in Intercultural Studies from University of Valley Forge, a Masters degree in Biblical literature from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Divinity from Northwest University.
Morning/Evening Sessions | Monday, May 19, 2025 | 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM
Travis and Brittany Jones have called Richmond, Virginia home for over 10 years. They are investing their lives into the South Richmond/North Chesterfield area sharing the hope of Jesus and a motivation to live! The message they have is simple, “God can take broken people, and build them back together.” Having many years' experience in full-time ministry, they embrace church as a diverse, energetic, fun and Jesus centered life.
Superintendent Chad McAtee
Ordination Service | Tuesday, May 20, 2025 | 6:30 PM
Chad McAtee has served in full time ministry since 1995. Chad graduated from Central Bible College, Springfield, Missouri with a degree in Biblical Studies in 1995. Immediately after graduation, Chad married Julie Miller and began several years of student pastoral ministry. He was ordained in 1998. Chad served as youth pastor at Crawfordsville First Assembly of God and Greencastle First Assembly of God before serving as the lead pastor of Sweetwater Assembly of God in North Manchester for 14 years where he and Julie raised their three boys: David, Andrew, and Jonathan. Chad served as the Indiana District Assemblies of God Northeast Executive Presbyter for 6 years. He was elected as the Indiana Executive Secretary in 2018 and then in 2023 was elected Superintendent.
Pastor Drew and COurtney Bontrager
host church Pastor
Sunday, May 18
4:30 PM | Council Registration Opens
6:30 PM | World Missions Service | Jeff Hartensveld
Monday, May 19
8:30 AM | Council Registration Opens
9:30 AM | Morning Session | Travis and Brittany Jones
11:15 AM | Breakout Sessions
NOON | Lunch
1:30 PM | Business Session
6:30 PM | Evening Service | Travis and Brittany Jones
Tuesday, May 20
9:30 AM | Morning Session | Worship, Scripture and Communion
6:30 PM | Ordination Service | Superintendent Chad McAtee
Wednesday, May 21
Breakout Sessions
Please select one when registering online:
Raising Up Great Leaders
Speaker: Joel Rivera, Lead Pastor, Jasper Victory Assembly of God
Are you tired of not having enough leaders in your church? How do you raise leaders in the church? In this breakout session, we will go through, Raising Leaders Before Needing Leaders, Insecurities Prevent Great Leaders, Seeing the Potential in People and much more.
Spiritual Formation is Counter-Formation
Speaker: Dr. Nick Pridemore, Lead Pastor, Greencastle The Storehouse
Spiritual formation doesn’t start when you decide to be intentional about it. It's been happening and is happening every moment of your life. Everyday a thousand things are seeking to form us toward a particular telos (purpose), which is often different from God’s telos for creation. Part of our spiritual formation must be to identify and counter these other formative forces. But, how? And why doesn’t learning more information seem to be as effective in spiritual formation as we hope? How can our affections produce knowledge and discernment to determine which things are most excellent so that we bear fruit through Christ to God’s glory (Philippians 1:9-11)?
Do One Thing Different - Investing for Your Retirement
Speaker: Rev. David Bienemann, Market Director, Thrivent
Join us as we discuss how to maximize retirement savings by utilizing the 403b and other retirement savings options. Could it be that just doing “one thing different” might create positive momentum in your financial plan?
What is the testimony of Jesus in Your Life?
Speaker: Don Gifford, Former IDAG Superintendent
We will be sharing how we overcome the devil through our testimony of Jesus during our retirement years.
Effective Strategies for Church Planting
Speaker: Jason Patterson, Lead Pastor, Fishers Parkside Church
We will discuss current trends and exciting opportunities in church planting and focusing on practical steps we can all take to be involved.
Better Together
Speaker: Brian and Melody Whidden, Operations and Administration Pastors, Elkhart Calvary
No matter how long you've been married, you can find new approaches and thought patterns to help your marriage live up to the hype! You and your spouse ARE better together, so why not give your relationship something fresh?
Homiletics Refresher: Preaching with Power and Purpose
Speaker: Dr. Jon Susa, Lead Pastor, Indianapolis Caring Place
In an age of information overload, what people need are not more boring sermons, cutesy homilies, or hot-headed banters. The proper catalyst is found in preaching God's word with intentional clarity and divine conviction.
Training Women Leaders in Your Church
Speaker: Kathy Holdeman, IDAG Women’s Ministry Director
Over 43% of your Sunday morning service is made up of women. How can you best utilize them to grow your congregation? Come and learn about FREE resources from our National Women’s department to help you train women leaders in your church.
The Minister’s Home
Speaker: Kathy Holdeman, IDAG Women’s Ministry Director
It was said that Katharina Luther was a model “pastor’s wife.” Where did she get that training manual? Truth is, there is not even a job description for our role as women ministers on any level. Let’s talk about how to serve our family.
Occupation vs. Calling
Speaker: Chris Cregger, Lead Pastor, Crawfordsville Crosspoint Fellowship
In this breakout, we will discuss the hindrances when pastoral calling shifts into occupational duties, and how to realign our calling and God-given purpose.
(Session #1) From Calling to Commission: Mentoring Kids & Youth with a Heart for Ministry
Speaker: Mark Whitehead, IDAG NextGen Director
session is a combined session for Kids' and Youth Pastors. From Calling to Commission will challenge and equip leaders
to recognize, nurture, disciple and mentor
kids and youth who
feel called to ministry. We will explore how to steward their
calling and create real
opportunities for them to grow and lead now.
(Session #2) Kids: Five Minutes of Fire
Speaker: Mark Whitehead, IDAG NextGen Director
Five Minutes of Fire is an interactive breakout session featuring 4 five-minute talks from different kids’ pastors, packed with hands-on ideas you can use right away. Join the discussion, ask questions, and walk away with fresh ideas to take your kids' ministry to the next level!
(Session #2) Youth: Five Minutes of Fire
Speaker: Mark Whitehead, IDAG NextGen Director
Five Minutes of Fire is an interactive
breakout session featuring 4 five-minute talks from different youth pastors,
packed with hands-on ideas you can use right away. Join the discussion, ask
questions, and walk away with fresh ideas to take your youth ministry to the
next level!
Sunday Mornings Done Different
Speakers: Jonathan Ember, Lead Pastor, Indianapolis Diversity Church and Shawna Banning, Dream Team Pastor, Greenfield Realife Church
Creating impact from the parking lot to the pew. Discussing ways to break the routine and go beyond tradition.
CHILDCARE is not available at this event. Accommodations are available
for nursing mothers.
Wednesday Activities
Register separately for these Wednesday morning activities.
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